Certificate of Added Qualification in Advanced Diagnostic Bronchoscopy
Information and Application
The AABIP is committed to enhancing the practice of bronchoscopy to improve the lives of patients with pulmonary disease. We recognize that many pulmonologists are skilled in advanced diagnostic bronchoscopy and focus on the care of patients requiring this expertise, regardless of formal training in Interventional Pulmonology (IP). We are firmly convinced that pulmonologists with a particular interest in advanced diagnostic bronchoscopy provide specific expertise and added value to complex patient care and should be recognized appropriately for their unique skill set.
In light of these considerations, the AABIP Board of Directors (BOD) in 2019 approved the creation of a Certificate of Added Qualification (CAQ) in advanced diagnostic bronchoscopy.
Application requirements
Certificate of Added Qualification (CAQ) in Advanced Diagnostic Bronchoscopy
Application Requirements
- Board Certified or Board Eligible in pulmonary medicine or thoracic surgery from the USA or Canada.
- Proof of training in Endobronchial Ultrasound (EBUS) guided Transbronchial Needle Aspiration (TBNA) AND Guided Peripheral Bronchoscopy using Radial EBUS or one of the advanced bronchoscopy platforms: SuperDimension, or Robot-assisted bronchoscopy using the Monarch or ION navigation platforms (Note: the Illumisite system (fluoroscopy navigation) will be implemented in the future once the assessment tool validation has been completed).
- Proof of training may come from pulmonary or pulmonary critical care fellowship, thoracic surgery fellowship training OR attendance and completion of training courses or electives at national or international locations.
- Provide the name of the institution, dates attended, and the name(s) of the mentor/supervising physician.
- Letter showing existing privileges/credentials to perform the above specified bronchoscopies OR a letter from your mentor OR your current supervisor OR your division chief/director OR your pulmonary/pulmonary critical care fellowship director attesting your competency in the above procedures.
- Interventional Pulmonology board-eligible or board-certified physicians are not eligible to participate in the CAQ process.
Updated: 08/20/2023
CAQ Component 1: Knowledge Assessment Test (KAT)
The Knowledge Assessment Test (KAT) is the first component of the CAQ.
Important Dates:
KAT Fee: $1500.00
KAT Testing Locations:
Various Meazure Learning testing sites. Approved applicants will by contacted by Meazure Learning in early December 2024 to schedule their exam date, time and location.
Required Supporting Documents for CAQ Application:
- Medical School diploma
- Proof of board eligibility or certification in Pulmonary Medicine or Thoracic Surgery.
- Proof of training in Endobronchial Ultrasound guided Transbronchial Needle Aspiration AND Peripheral Bronchoscopy. (Letter from Program Director or Mentor or Section Chief or Credentials Committee or Training Course Director attesting to your ability in the listed procedures.)
- License to practice medicine in the USA or Canada
Exam Study Resources: CAQ KAT Exam Blueprint 2024 Update in IP and CAQ/IP Board Review Course - virtual course on November 2, 2024.
Component 2: Procedure Assessment Test (PAT)
The Procedure Assessment Test (PAT) is the second component of the CAQ. This skills assessment test will be using validated tools for assessing proficiency in EBUS-TBNA and peripheral bronchoscopy (Radial-EBUS, Medtronic, Monarch and ION navigation platforms).
PAT Eligibility:
- You must have successfully completed the CAQ KAT prior to taking the CAQ PAT.
- You have up to three years after passing the CAQ KAT to successfully complete the CAQ PAT.
CAQ-PAT Fee: $750
PAT Testing Platforms
Endobronchial Ultrasound (EBUS) guided Transbronchial Needle Aspiration (TBNA)
- Guided Peripheral Bronchoscopy (choice of one of the below platforms):
- Radial EBUS
- SuperDimension
- Robot-assisted bronchoscopy using the Monarch or ION navigation systems **NEW**
Next Available CAQ-PAT Test Dates are open for those who completed the KAT in 2023 and 2024:
- Robotic (ION and Monarch) with EBUS-TBNA tentative testing available July 18-19, 2024 (Baltimore, MD)
- Robotic (ION and Monarch) with EBUS-TBNA testing available August 22-24, 2024 (Charlotte, NC)
- REBUS and SuperD with EBUS-TBNA: September 4-7, 2024 (Glenview, IL)
2025 CAQ-PAT Testing Dates will be posted early 2025.
Testing availability is limited per date. We encourage you to schedule and pay for your preferred CAQ testing date in advance due to the limited availability. Testing will be scheduled on a first come, first serve basis.
Successful completion of the CAQ-KAT is a prerequisite to taking the CAQ-PAT
Application Process
The CAQ in advanced diagnostic bronchoscopy application process will be conducted ONLINE and will include:
Component One: KAT Application
- Submit application form and fee: $1500
- Submit supporting documents:
- Medical School diploma
- Proof of board eligibility or certification in Pulmonary Medicine or Thoracic Surgery.
- Proof of training in Endobronchial Ultrasound guided Transbronchial Needle Aspiration AND Peripheral Bronchoscopy. (Letter from Program Director or Mentor or Section Chief or Credentials Committee or Training Course Director attesting to your ability in the listed procedures.)
- License to practice medicine in the USA or Canada
Component 2: PAT Application
- Submit application form and fee: $750
- You may register for the CAQ KAT and PAT together or separately
- Successful completion of Component 1 is a prerequisite for taking Component 2
Once you have completed all of the application requirements and have been approved by the Eligibility Review Committee, the AABIP will notify Meazure Learning that your application has been approved and you are eligible to select a testing date, time, and location. Meazure Learning will contact you for scheduling in early December 2024.
Notification of eligibility
If accepted, the applicant will be notified by e-mail regarding eligibility to sit for the examination. This eligibility will be valid for three years. The applicant must sit and successfully complete the CAQ KAT and PAT during this time-frame, if they are unable to do so, the applicant will be required to complete the application process again. Please allow the Eligibility Review Committee 4 to 6 weeks to review your application.
rejection and appeal
If the application is rejected, the notification will come by e-mail as well as a letter from the current Chair of the Eligibility Review Committee. If the application is rejected, the individual will have the opportunity for an appeal. The appeal must be initiated by the applicant via a formal email to [email protected] requesting review. This appeal must be requested within 2 weeks of the date of the rejection letter, in order to make the deadline for the examination. Chair of the CAQ Eligibility Review Committee will then review the appeal and entire application. If the application is rejected again, the Chair of the CAQ Eligibility Review Committee will present this application to the AABIP Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will vote anonymously and majority opinion determines the final status of the appeal. If the Board of Directors’ decision is to confirm rejection of the application, the final notification will be sent to the applicant by e-mail as well as a formal letter from the AABIP, signed by the current President. The applicant will, however, have the opportunity to reapply for future examinations based on the applicable criteria at that time. Once the application process has been completed and approved, the Eligibility Review Committee will compile a list of individuals accepted to sit for the examination and forward this to the testing organization, who will provide the registrant with all of the necessary information regarding exam registration, location and logistics.
refund policy
This refund policy applies to the KAT and PAT. All documentation must be received prior to the application submission deadline of 11/26/2024 @ 11:59 pm EST. Failure to provide all documentation will lead to forfeiture of the application fee. If the applicant chooses to withdraw from consideration he/she will have 1 week from the date of initial application for a full refund (This is the CANCELLATION DEADLINE), after which a penalty of $150 will be kept for administrative costs. If the withdrawal is requested before the application is marked as complete, the penalty of $150 will apply. If the withdrawal is requested after the application is marked as complete, refunds will be processed as per the policy outlined below or the applicant may choose to apply the full amount towards the next year’s application plus any additional costs if applicable. (See refund policy below.)
- 85% of the exam fee will be refunded if cancellation is received on or before 11:59 pm EST of the respective payment deadline.
- 50% of the exam fee will be refunded when cancellation is received between 12:00 midnight EST on the day after the respective payment deadline and 11:59 p.m. EST on the day prior to the correlating exam.
Once all of the credentialing material has been submitted, an individual account and packet will be put together by the AABIP administrative staff and forwarded to the Chair of the CAQ Eligibility Review Committee to be reviewed. Rejections must be accompanied by appropriate comments by the CAQ Eligibility Committee. If approval is not granted, the funds will be refunded.

updated: 6/5/2024